Family & Community Restoration


Through the Family & Community Restoration Programme, and in partnership with the South African Faith & Family Institute (SAFFI), WCRLF are active in the following areas:




  • Substance Abuse, in partnership with the Department of Social Development
  • Liquor Bill
  • Intersex Children
  • Human Trafficking
  • Education
  • Violence Against Women
  • Men’s work – approach by Champions for Charity
  • Prostitution
  • Gender Reconciliation
  • Safe Manenberg Campaign

In February 2014, the WCRLF began the implementation of the Safe Manenberg Campaign, a community safety project initiated in partnership with a coalition of organisations as a response to recurrent upsurges in gang violence. The overall goal of the project is to contribute to the creation of a safer and more peaceful community environment in Manenberg through generating synergies among existing organisations and mobilising additional resources to address the root causes of gang violence. Since its inception in February 2014, the project has achieved major successes in four key areas:

  • developed strong partnerships with key community-based organisations (CBOs);
  • formed a Community Safety Forum that meets regularly on a weekly basis; the forum consists of representatives of the main stakeholders in the field of community safety in Manenberg; 4 Annual Report 2013-2014 The Western Cape Religious Leaders Forum
  • started a successful youth program in partnership with the Manenberg Development Coordinating Structure (MDCS) regularly attended by approximately 40 youth members; the program holds weekly youth sessions at the Manenberg People’s Centre, organises educational trips to various locations in Cape Town, and completed a successful youth leadership camp for 40 youth in October 2014;
  • laid the foundation of interfaith dialogue in Manenberg through holding mass interfaith prayer services and other interreligious activities. The Safe Manenberg Campaign has provided a comprehensive report about its achievements and challenges to OSF-SA at the end of July 2014.